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Despite those long, sleepless nights feeling like they might last forever, you have probably started to notice just how quickly this special season is going by. How is that tiny newborn you just brought home already this big? Soon, they will grow teeth, learn to walk, and develop their own little personality. You want to hold onto every last moment – but how?
Today, we’re going to explore some of our three favorite ways to commemorate your babies’ milestones!
1. Keepsake box! Where you can store all the memories
The first step is to designate a space to store all of your keepsake items. This activity could even be part of your nesting stage during pregnancy. Show your creativity! Decorate your box with colors, words, family photos, ultrasounds, and other fun imagery that captures everything in this phase in your life.
You could even go ahead and make a few boxes that represent your baby’s first year and include moments you’re excited for, such as “Baby’s First Year of pre-school.” You could even decorate piggy banks for each year and “deposit” handwritten notes into it all year long. Make sure to store your boxes somewhere safe! If this is too over the board effort for you, you can always get these done from a personalized store like LITTLE DAYS. Amazon has some sellers who sell personalized items as well. Check them out below:
1. J. Devlin - Personalized glass accent collection
2. Things Remembered - store on amazon
3. Let's Make Memory Store on Amazon
Expert tip: The classic old wooden boxes or glass one like above, of course, makes the keepsake classic; however, many opt for plastic containers that are easily stackable and are resilient against dust, water, and other unforeseeable accidents. Size also matters depending upon what you will store, which we have helped you narrow down in the section below.