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Starting Solids - When to start? What to buy?


Updated: Dec 23, 2021

Starting solids with your baby is an exciting chapter in your parenting journey. It’s time to ditch the constant bottle-making and watch your baby’s hilarious reactions to their favorite (and least favorite) foods. However, it can also be daunting. You have been getting advice left and right on when is the right time to start, what foods you should start with, and what foods to avoid. You are worried about testing the waters and questioning if your baby is truly ready to start eating real foods. One of the most frequently asked question new parents have when considering starting solids.

When Should We Start with Solid Foods?

There is a lot of back and forth on when babies should start attempting to eat solid foods. Some people believe 4 months is the appropriate mile marker, which may be true for your baby. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics notes that 6 months may be more realistic. When deciding if your baby is ready, the most important sign to look for is if they have developed the proper skills needed to chew and swallow. While breast or bottle feeding, your baby is more sucking than chewing and swallowing. Some indicators your baby has developed the skills needed to swallow include they can sit up and stay up unassisted, and they have mastered head and neck control.

However, if you notice your baby is pushing food out of their mouth with their tongue, beyond not liking the flavor, it may be a signal that they cannot swallow it. Another important note is up until now your baby has been getting all of the daily nutrients they need from your breast milk or formula. Supplement solid foods with small milk feeds to fill in any nutritional gaps and gradual transition.

Essential Items

You would not set out to climb a mountain without the proper gear, and some new moms would argue that switching to solids is their personal Everest. The best way to set yourself up for a successful transition is to have the proper supplies. While there are definite benefits to making your food, such as knowing exactly what you are feeding your baby and cutting out additional processing, there is absolutely no shame in using pre-made foods.

Little Spoon - Fresh organic baby food, kid’s meals, vitamins & natural remedy

Lets get straight to our supplies list:

1. High Chair:

Just like strollers and cribs, high chairs comes in lot of varieties and features. If you are not overwhelmed with the details already, we suggest going the easy to assemble, light weight and light on pocket highchair by Cosco on Amazon.

High chairs are great add to your dinning area. They strap your littles bundle in place during meal times and the trays serves as great place to explore food.

Check out the our post on TOP HIGH CHAIRS OF 2022.


2. Bibs and Food Aprons:

Judging by how much food will end up on the high chair, your baby, your floor, and even you, you will wonder if any of it made it into your baby’s mouth. Hence food apron or bibs is a must have! Besides they come in many different varieties and with cute messages! We suggest the ones with full coverage that helps keeps your baby's arms and clothes safe. You may also want to give a try to the silicone bibs which are easy to rinse off, durable, and will save you from excessive laundry. Whatever you choose - it will still be messy! Just bless the mess!

1) Overall bibs saves you some mess!

2) Silicon ones are most easy to just wipe off/rise off

There are option for special occasions that you can buy for your memory pictures - like the First Christmas, First Easter, First Word, or there are some with cool or funny quotes.


3. Baby spoons and forks

Babies are still developing their dexterity. There are hundreds of options for utensils, but they all share the features of being shorter, wider, and safer for your baby to learn how to feed themselves. To explore some options, check out our article on BEST BABY TBALEWARE!


4. Plates and Bowls:

There is huge selection when it comes to plates and bowls and cups in the baby aisle. Suction cups, sippy cups, Silicone plates, Stainless steel plates, Bamboo straw plates etc. etc. etc. The Suction ones are our favorite as they stick onto your baby’s high chair and make it nearly impossible for your little one to send their dinner flying to the floor. The stainless steel ones are environment friendly




5. Storage Containers with Labels:

If you are making your baby’s food, invest in a set of airtight storage containers so you can meal prep a week’s worth of food at once. This will save you valuable time and energy. Freezing puree is an excellent way to build up a healthy store of food. This way, you can easily defrost food week-to-week instead of spending endless hours in the kitchen. Some prefer ice cube trays. When the food turns in to a solid cubes it can be transferred to a freezer safe zip lock bag for later use.


6. Baby Food Maker:

If you are making your baby food, you need a quality machine. Choosing the right device will save you time and effort. Check out our review on best Baby food makers on the market. Some comes with food warmer too!

7. Sippy Cups

Now here is the thing; a sippy cup will be your baby's drink container, baby's toy, baby's teether, and everything you can imagine. Sippy cups can be introduces at 24 month of age or whenever you see your baby is getting ready to hold it. There are hundreds of options available on the market. Test and try a couple until you find a perfect match. Remember, when it comes to drinking cups and bottles, watch for if they are easy to clean and are spill proof.

Now that you have the list of all the items need to set on the journey to feed you baby , lets find our what types of foods you can introduce - COMMON FOODS TO INTRODUCE!




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