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There is plenty of advice out there on how and what to feed your baby, but it's your baby at the end of the day. Listen to your instincts and decide what feels right for you and your family. If you are looking for a few pieces of wisdom to guide you, below are a few of tips you might want to know
1. Don’t overfeed your baby. Overfeeding is easier than you think, especially if you are using both solid foods and milk feeds. Your baby is only going to eat between 8-10 tablespoons of solids per day. Look for signs that they are done eating, such as turning away from the spoon and being fussy in their high chair.
2. One food a day. While it is tempting to offer your baby a wide variety of food right from the jump, there is time for that later. Start by introducing one or two foods, and then continue to feed it to your baby over the course of a few days. Once you determine if the food causes any reactions for your baby or if they like the food, you can introduce the next food on your list to keep them interested in eating.
3. Food Allergens. Once upon a time, the popular school of thought was you should refrain from introducing your baby to common allergens such as peanuts, eggs, and cow’s milk until they are older. However, new studies show that introducing these allergens earlier, around 6 months, may prevent major reactions down the road. Make sure to introduce these foods one at a time so you can pinpoint if your baby has allergic reactions to them. However, if you have a family history of food allergens, consult with your doctor first.
4. Healthy Food Habits. Offer your baby healthy options. This is your time to set your baby up for a lifetime of healthy habits. Get them hooked on fruits and veggies and save those sweet treats for special occasions.
5. Choking Hazard. Think of cutting foods into long thin strips rather than round coins, as they can block the airway. Using a food feeder or remove seeds and pits from fruit, remove skin, bones, and cartilage from meats.
6. Hydrate well. Your baby is used to getting hydrated from breast milk and formula. Now, you can offer them small sips of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration.
Hope these tips will get you started on the right foot. See other posts related to starting solids to gain more understanding.